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Error ORA-24344 alerts the user that there is a problem of some kind within the code. The vague, non-specific nature of the message makes it tricky to immediately determine what the exact problem may be. However, by expanding the error and locating the mistake, the error itself is likely an easy fix.

The Problem

While not common, ORA-24344 may occur in a number of situations. For example, a line break char in the trigger code may not be well suited to be used in certain platforms, or a trigger defined in a table may be being used as a synonym for another user table. Still, the error may be occurring if you try to execute code that does not compile or if the block of code is very long. Users should pay special attention to longer lines and blocks of code as, of course, there is a greater chance of seeing ORA-24344 as well any other errors when the code becomes long.

When you open the oerr utility, you will see a similar message to the following regarding ORA-24344:

ORA-24344: success with compilation error

*Cause: A SQL/PLSQL compilation error occurred.

*Action: Return OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO along with error code

The Solution

First, skim through your code to look for any obvious mistakes such as spelling and syntax errors. Catching such mistakes is made easier by using an integrated development environment (IDE) that includes a good source code editor. If you do not see any spelling or syntax errors, run the following query to show errors:

show errors procedure <procedure_name>;

You may also run the following query to see the compilation error:

select * from user_errors;

This query should show where the mistake is located and you should be able to correct the mistake. ORA-24344 simply points to a mistake in the code; it is not specific to any one error. However, it is likely that the problem may have to do with properly defining variables and dependencies among variables.

In the following example, error ORA-24344 is thrown.

create or replace force view test_view

as select a,b from dual5;

procedure run(p_sql varchar5) as
execute immediate p_sql;
run(‘rename “TEST_VIEW” to TEST_VIEW’);
run(‘alter view  TEST_VIEW compile’);

ORA-24344: success with compilation error

*Cause: A SQL/PLSQL compilation error occurred.

*Action: Return OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO along with error code

The TEST_VIEW was invalid because DUAL5 does not exist. The problem lies within the following 2 lines of code:

run(‘rename “TEST_VIEW” to TEST_VIEW’);

run(‘alter view  TEST_VIEW compile’);

The lines should read:

run(‘rename “TEST_VIEW” to TEST_VIEW5’);

run(‘alter view  TEST_VIEW5 compile’);

Moving Forward

Prior to running the “show errors procedure <procedure_name>;” or “select * from user errors” to locate any error, it is always good practice to check dependencies to verify that they exist. In addition, you should check that triggers, constraints, indices and columns for tables have been properly redefined.

If you continue to face problems with ORA-24344, you may consider contacting your database administrator for assistance if you yourself are not the DBA. Another viable option may be to contact an Oracle professional to resolve the issue. Remember to always check the consultant’s credentials and certification to ensure your Oracle needs are properly met.