The Next Generation: Mobile Apps Part-2
Originally posted by Troy Allen on CMSWire on July 13, 2011.
Abstract: This article Continues to talk about the impact of mobile applications and how to properly plan for them.
Formatted WebsiteInformational ApplicationsInteractive Applications
Planning for Mobile Engagement
For companies looking to engage their customers through mobile devices, it is important that they create a focused plan, outline strategic functions of the application, and provide a technical solution which sets them apart from their competitors. This is often easier said than done as new applications are added daily, or existing ones are updated to include the “newest and greatest.” A lot of work has been done in the area of convenience. By using GPS information, tracking the user’s historical actions, and applying business intelligence, companies have streamlined the user interactions.
Retail stores, for example, have done a good job of promoting sale items through applications and even giving the users information about where the closest store is to the user at any specific moment. The next generation of apps in retail will probably take user purchasing information (collected through store memberships and reward cards) and display items which the users have shown an interest in. The downside to that is that we as users feel like our privacy is invaded when retailers collect and store information based on our buying habits. It’s a fine line between providing a friendly service and tracking what we do with our money.
Companies need to understand their market, the key points to success, what their competitors are doing, and what are acceptable limits to information gathering and sharing when it comes to user specific data. Creating a plan to maximize all of this can be a daunting task, but a well built and user-friendly mobile application can provide a huge payoff in customer loyalty and return transactions.
Final Thoughts
The rocket of technology is still in flight. Every day new advancements in technology open new opportunities to grab our customer’s attention. The problem is that there is always a shiny new toy to capture a user’s interest, but in the end, solid convenience and ease of use will win out.
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